Monday, August 6, 2012

Birthday Cards

Hey everyone!  I am finally back home for a while!  We were out of town most of the month of July!  Literally!  We had a lot of fun but I am so glad to be back in my bed, my house and in my shower.  Those are the three things I miss the most when I am not at my house!  But, with coming home you have to get back in the swing of things and get back to work in the real world.  When you are out of town you don't have to do laundry (like you do at home), you don't have to cook much, you don't have to, to say the least it is taking lots of motivation to get back into the real duties of being a stay-at-home-mom! 

One of those duties (which I love) is to get back to crafting, stamping and scrapbooking for you guys!  :-)  Another one is to keep up with the family birthdays for this month!  So, one of the first things I did last week was get a couple of birthday cards made for a couple of family members.  It was so good getting back at my craft table and creating!

The first card is made with the Sweet Scoops SU stamp set and it turned out really cute.  The "celebrate" stamp is from another set of mini words that I picked up somewhere along the way.  The Stamp-a-ma-jig made this card so simple and easy to get it all placed perfectly!  Best $5 I ever spent at Joann's! 

The second card was made for my brother-in-law who turned 50 this year.  I wanted it to be simple but "over the hill-ish" too.  So this is what I came up with.  I really liked the "celebrate" stamp, I used it again on this one as well.  I cut out the numbers with my SCAL using the A&S Jiggy Roman font.  Such a cute font!  Thanks to my friend Jennifer for introducing this font to me!  LOVE IT!

Hope you all have a great day of crafting and remember it is always homemade!

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