Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Origami Boxes

How cute are these little boxes?  Perfect for little treats for anyone...and they can be decorated however you choose.  I saw this box on a you tube video done by Kristina Werner.  The video is below and she also shows a great way to decorate these little boxes.  She used a paper bag to make hers and that is how my box on the right is made.  I love the vintage vibe it gives.  My other box is made a little larger with thin printed paper.  If you need a more sturdy box, this is the way to go....and it is pre-decorated for you.  All it needs is a bow to finish it off.  Both are very cute.  You can make one in about 5 minutes after you make your first.  Hope you all have fun making these for little treats or baked goods to give to family and friends! 

Have fun and remember the best gift is always homemade!

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