Friday, August 17, 2012

Scrapbook Layouts

I will admit, I have cheated a little this week. I have not done a new layout and here is the reason....I am potty training my little girl and simply have not had the time. I do the Three Day Method and you have to be by her side for three days. It is a long and exhausting three days but totally worth the end result. Yesterday was day one and she did great! By the end of the day, she was not having any major accidents. She was telling me when she needed to, hopefully today will be a little less stressful and tomorrow will be a breeze.....HOPEFULLY! It worked like a charm with my son two years ago and so far it is going well with her. If you have a toddler, I highly recommend this technique!! Okay, that was my little plug in for potty training now on to the layouts!

The following layouts are a few of my favorites from my son's First Year Album. They are all simple but very cute. My favorite is the snapshot layout above and the Halloween layout below. Since Halloween is around the corner (I really need to start working on costumes so that it is not a mad dash the week before) I thought that this layout would help some of you in the coming months when it is time to scrap those Halloween photos. Side note: I have already been working on some Halloween projects. I can't wait to share them with you! Anyway, hope you enjoy the layouts! Have a wonderful day and remember it is always homemade!

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