Monday, September 3, 2012

Inspiration Card #1 of 4

To start off this little series on my blog, you get two card ideas and two videos!  No, I am not kidding!  Kristina Werner did a short series on how she finds inspiration all around her from her surroundings and all different types of scrapbooking items.  One of her quick tips during this series was looking at small printed tags and using those as a "sketch" of sorts.  So, this month, we are going to focus on that aspect.  I bought several 12x12 pieces of paper that had 12-16 tags printed on them (you can see these in the first video below).  I have taken that tag this week and made two cards.  The first is actually using the tag on a card and the second one is using the tag itself as the sketch.  Below are the videos of my making both cards and showing you how this works.  I hope you enjoy this series and I hope it gets your juices flowing.  I have had a lot of fun making these series of cards.  Hope you enjoy and remember it is always homemade!
Video 1
Video 2

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