Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bleach-Sprayed Shirts

You may have seen this technique on Pinterest or just browsing the Internet for craft ideas....I saw it on Pinterest and then had a friend who tried it and so, I just had to try this for the kids.  My first attempt was the owl and I am so glad that I had a "trial run" because I messed it up!  It got the freezer paper applique too wet with bleach and it bled through into the design.  I kept that shirt for a PJ shirt for my daughter but had a second go at this and they came out great. 
First, you cut out a design that you want on Freezer Paper.  I used my SCAL software to cut the designs out.  Then you iron them onto the shirt.  Then you need to put something between the front of the shirt and the back that will not allow the bleach to bleed through onto the back of the shirt.  Then, from a distance spray bleach onto the shirts so that the bleach will kind of float down onto the do not want a direct spray. 
As you can see from the pictures above some colors appear different than others.  The red was awesome but took more sprays of bleach than the others.  The pink took a couple of sprays and the yellow faded rather quickly.  My suggestion is to spray one or two sprays and then let it dry completely before spraying more so that you can see the effects as you go and so that you do not spray too much.  You can not reverse the effects.  Do this on a hot, sunny day so that the shirts will dry quickly.  Think of the possibilities!
Have a great day and remember, it is always homemade.

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