Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn Banner


First of all...sorry that these are not the best pictures.  I couldn't take them in natural light and these take away from how cute this banner really appears!
This is the frist week of another series this month of "Thanksgiving Projects".  I know that this is not a true Thanksgiving themed craft but it is great for this time of year.  Also, this is a great craft for the kids to do and then be able to appreciate it themselves when it is hung up in your home!  My son did the stamping and glueing of this yesterday.  He is VERY proud of it....although, not too happy that he had to take the bats and ghost projects down to put this up!  He still wants it to be Halloween!
I got this idea from something I saw on Pinterest....I saw real burlap hanging with apples stamped onto it and it was so cute that I began to think of a way to improvise.  So, I had some burlap paper, twine, an apple to use as the stamp, and the leaves and stems are made with fake leaves....just cut down into pieces.  I tried at first to make the stems out of pipe cleaners but I HATE glueing pipe cleaners down.  It just never co-operates!  Oh well.  Life will go on....
So, hope you enjoy doing this yourself or with your kids.  My kids love to "make" stuff!  My son loves to stamp with all my "boy" type stamps.  I am sure that one day I will "make" my daughter crafty as well!  ;)  She is only 2 so glue and such is not fun right now for ME!  She loves to color and use stickers so I am sure a love of stamps will follow. 
Have a great day and remember, it is always homemade!

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