Friday, November 2, 2012

Labor Day Layout

Here is the layout for this week.  It is a very simple layout and then embellished in the corners around the journaling box.  Just remember that your page doesn't have to be "overly embellished" to be a nice looking page.  I really do like the look of pages that have few pictures and lots of embellishments, but like I have said before, I am so behind, I do not have time to make every page like that.  Mentally, it is very hard for me to just use one or two pictures on a layout.  (Not that I have never done this, because I have from time to time)  I have always been a scrapper who puts lots of pictures on one layout.  I just can't get around that in my mind.  I don't know why.... Also, remember that everyone has their own style and I want you to scrap YOUR way, not anyone elses.  Okay, there is your encouragement for the week.  Scrap the way YOU want to....don't worry about how others scrap.   I watch a lot of YouTube videos on girls scrapping and some scrap the way I do and some do not but I still can use some of their ideas without going completely away from my own scrapping style.  Just remember to stay true to yourself.  Hope you have a great day of creating and remember, here at H.S. homemade, it is always homemade!

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