Friday, November 16, 2012

Old Friends, but Good Friends!

Old friends don't trump your new friends nor is the opposite true, but it is ALWAYS good to see friends you haven't seen in a long time.  My husband and I lived in West Texas for three long years while he began and finished his Doctorate Degree.  We were so far from family and our "old friends" from Alabama we felt very alone for a little while until we made our "new friends" seen in this layout above.  Now, since we moved back to Alabama, we miss our "new friends" we made in Texas!  Well, about a year after we moved back to the state of Alabama, we had the opportunity to return to Texas for a long weekend.  My husband was asked to speak at a Gospel Lectureship that the congregation where we attended (Southside church of Christ, Lubbock, TX) in October of 2009.  We spent time with great friends, whom we will never forget, and got to visit around to my old workplace as well as the University campus.  These are only a few of the people that meant so much to us while in Texas and we hope to get back to visit again one day.  Hope you enjoy this quick, easy layout!  Have a great day scrapping a layout of "old friends" and remember the memories!  Remember, it is always homemade!

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