Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Target Turkeys...

This is the second Thanksgiving craft in the series this more week till the big Turkey Day!  I can't really believe it.  I feel like Thanksgiving meal at our house this time last year was, like, yesterday!  This year we spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws and we are also doing Christmas on the same weekend....and I haven't bought the first item...seriously!  Not.  Good. is the craft for today.  Target had these little gems in the $1 bins although they were actually only 50 cents!  Which made it even better.  The kids had a blast putting these together and there are plenty of stickers left on the sticker sheet to use for something else!  They are thrilled which always makes for a happy Momma!   

Have a great day and remember, even with my kids, it is always homemade!

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