Monday, December 3, 2012

A New Blog Location....

....will be announced soon.  What has happened is that I have run out of free space on blogspot for pictures.  So, since that is the whole basis of this blog, I will be changing blog locations soon.  My husband has a blog of his own (for work/research purposes) on WordPress and we have already purchased a blog name for me through his company blog.  We are working on a few glitches and will be up and running by January.  He always told me I would run out of space (which I knew I would eventually) and so I should have taken his advice from the get go and started at WordPress, I guess.  Hindsite is 20/20, right?  So, my plan is to move my entire blog to WordPress by January and begin blogging there next year.  I am excited about this new beginning!  Once I have it up and running, I will post a link.  Since the circumstances have changed, I am going to take the rest of this month off and spend it first of all with my family and secondly doing some much needed sewing for my little girl.  I said I was going to make some clothes for her this fall and never really got around to, this is the open door for that.  So, I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season with friends and family and I will catch you in January with a new plan for the year ahead!  I will be sure to share with you all of my sewing adventures that I PLAN to complete by January!  Have a great day!

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