Well, I am about to achieve one small goal. I am about to be done scrapbooking the year of 2009. I have 300 pics coming to me that are from the year of 2010 sometime in the next few days. Then I will get busy scraping 2010. Wow! Now I am just shy of being three years behind! Ha! If I keep up this rate of producing pages, I could be caught up soon! Hopefully I could do that. Mind you, I would have to REALLY work on my travel album and my daughter's first year album as well. But, if I could only get our family album up to date, that would be a feat all in itself.
I don't know if anyone else has a problem with this, but I hate scrapping Christmas photos. I really hate to say that but I just feel like all the pics I take around that time of the year are random shots....there is no consistency. Does that make sense? I feel like the photos are all over the place and just confusing. I feel like my pages never flow right! Anyway, I am about to take that task on and I have to do three Christmas layouts, so here goes.... I think this year when the family all gets together, I will make each family take pics together so that maybe when I scrap these pics there will be some order to them. We shall see! ;). I hope I am not the only one who dreads doing these pages that are such a happy time of year. I really love the holidays but when it comes to scrapping them, I dread it! Help me get out of this funk! If you have any ideas on how to help me, please leave a comment below.
Have a great day! I hope you are getting some scrapping done! Smile and remember, it is always homemade!
19 hours ago
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